
Our programs focus on finding science-based solutions to problems that threaten the vitality of California's animal industries. Through research, outreach and education,  our faculty based advisors and professors in cooperative extension help provide the vital link between science and industry that benefit the well-being of animals, humans and the environment.

Professors in Cooperative Extension (CE)

UC ANR has over 150 Professors in Cooperative Extension located at UC Berkeley, Davis, Merced and Riverside. The professors focus on applied research and extension in several areas including animal agriculture, environment and natural resource management and 4-H youth programs.

Agricultural Experiment Station (AES) Faculty

Within the University of California system there are Instruction and Research (I&R) faculty with AES appointments meaning that in addition to their instruction and research responsibilities they engage various stakeholders groups in order to disseminate science based information to California farmers and other interested parties.

Farm Advisors

UC ANR has over 300 farm advisors strategically placed throughout California’s 58 counties who research and communicate science based information to solve locally relevant economic, agricultural, natural resource, youth development and nutrition issues. To learn more about each counties UCCE resources, please go to UC ANR's webpage County Offices. 

Professors in Cooperative Extension (CE) in College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences

Agricultural Experiment Station